After Empire - Winter
Inside a sealed room in my studio warehouse I found rotted boxes of glass panes from a greenhouse that existed between the World Wars. Cleaned, the richly patinated poured-glass panes suggested I expose onto them the 12 photographs I took more than a year ago of a nearby 1900's factory complex, Babcock-Wilcox. The factory has since been destroyed.
Into these images on photographic emulsion, are collaged ancient sculptures. Animals wander through the now-demolished spaces and amongst abandoned stone figures.
A selection from the twenty photographic works on glass, completed this month, is on its way to exhibition with Chris Boïcos Fine Arts on the island of Paxos in Greece.
Conceived last Christmas and created in the bleak mid-winter while enduring chronic back pain, the panels are austere.
The series will be shown twice in Paris later in the year with new panels added in summer and in autumn.
Artworks are not only products of the spirit and intellect. Where they are made, what the weather is like and how the artist's back feels, all affects their form and content.
Watch this space for the sunny sequel to After Empire.
In the meantime the full Winter series will very shortly be posted on this website.