There is no there there.
Gertrude Stein
Photographs are of models built, decors arranged, collages composed or of just a fleeting moment. After the photograph is taken, its temporary model is dismantled, destroyed or recycled. The moment has passed.
The original gone, our only access to that vanished place is through the photograph.
The photograph tantalizes. It is a door to a world where the viewer's imagination is engaged. One might wonder what happened before and what will happen next. That which hides in the shadows or lies just outside the frame is the artist's gift to the viewer's fancy.
Vivian van Blerk, Paris 2016
I began making ceramics in Lebanon in 2017. Temporary constructions for photographs become finished pieces. Even as durable sculptures , the fictions created remain sealed beneath the brilliant screen of ceramic glaze and remain mysterious, silent and removed from us in time and in space and scale, unattainable like worlds seen through photographs.
Paris 2019
Avec « Archipel » Vivian van Blerk imagine toute une nouvelle série d’îlots formés d'éléments d’architecture, véhicules abandonnés et autres ruines, derniers témoins de la présence de l’homme sur terre, envahis par les restes de nos déchets mais aussi nouvellement colonisés par toute une faune et une végétation aussi bien terrestres qu’aquatiques.
Ces nouveaux micro écosystèmes sont parfois reliés entre eux par des bancs de méduses assurant ainsi une nouvelle solidarité animale.
La notion de temps n’a plus aucune importance, la notion de bien ou de mal non plus.
Pascal Odille
Expert CNES - Paris, Avril 2022